Join us April 13-14 2024 for a Clay Plaster Finish Coat Work Party in San Rafael, CA. In this two day event we will be applying a clay plaster finish coat to a yurt-style straw bale ADU for the Ngongoseke-Von Family. This unique round home with bales on end between studs (the BOEBS method) will feature a clay interior and a hempcrete exterior layer for additional insulation and fire resistance. The work party will run from 9-5 on Saturday and 10-4 on Sunday.
This two day work party will carefully apply the third/final/finish coat of clay plaster to the walls to create a beautiful and durable finish for the interior of the straw bale home. This is the most precise of all the layers- the icing on top! There are a wide variety of task to accomplish and we will attempt to accommodate every participant’s interest and skill level. Each participant can expect to participate in the various aspects of the plastering process to ensure the broadest possible hands-on experience. Work party will be led by Bob Theis, an architect in the East Bay specializing in straw bale projects.
The project is the fruition of a long-standing dream of Dotto Ngongoseke to create a home for his family reminiscent of the traditional round thatched houses of his native tribe in Tanzania. They call it "Bayegu" which means "happy place" in his native language Sukuma. Dotto, his wife Ina, and their children Nyanz, Lyuba, and Sonda have all attended various CASBA workshops as they prepared to build their home over the last several years. Sadly, Dotto passed away this past fall. His family continues to work to complete this project in his absence.
Saturday lunch and Sunday lunch provided as well as snacks. Please register at
Cost: Pay what you like: $0 - $100.
We ask you attend for at least a half day if you cannot attend the entire workparty. Please indicate on your registration form which days you will attend so we can plan work flow and meals accordingly.
Please do not come if you are feeling sick.
For additional workshop info contact Allison Arnold at or 301-357-0582.
CASBA is fiscally sponsored by the Tides Center, a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization.
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